
Call Accounting Software

The Ultimate Solution to monitor and reduce your telephone call charges.
With MyCallSystem Call Accounting Software , your problem is solved !


MyCallSystem Call Accounting Software is the perfect solution for companies that wish to have detailed information on their telecommunication usage as well as manage their telephone calls and lines transactions or usage in their organizations.

Generate reports including: Detail Outgoing Call Report, Detail Incoming Call Report, Detail Intercom Call Report, Most Longest Call Report, Most Highest Per Call Charge Report, Highest Extension Call Charge Report, Most Commonly Called Number Report and more.

MyCallSystem Call Accounting Software support major PABX/KTS such as Panasonic, NEC, Ericsson, Avaya, Notel, Iwatsu, Philips, Siemens, IPPBX and Communication Switches.

  • Multi user access with security
  • Call Rating & Pricing
  • Flexible
  • Modular
  • Proven Platform
  • Quick & Secured Access

This is by far the best solution I have downloaded. It was so easy to manage & reduce telephone expenses.

What are you waiting for?

Start your Trial NOW !

    Why MyCallSystem

    User Friendliness

    MyCallSystem is designed with flexibility and user friendliness in mind to allow non-IT savvy personnel to operate with minimal training.

    Detailed & Summary Report

    Perfect solution for companies that wish to have detailed information on their telecommunication.

    Quick & Secured Access

    Even when the time has come for you to upgrade your PBX/KTS your investment on MyCallSystem will still be protected.

    Tracks & Monitor all call activities

    MyCallSystem able to track and monitor call activities and lines transactions or usage in their organizzation.

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